Inventions, which are made by employees during their employment with private companies and which are connected with the employment, represent service inventions that are due to the employers, unless they expressly waive any right therein. By way of consideration, the employee is entitled to adequate compensation to be paid by the employer.
When it comes to inventions made by employees of the public sector, by civil servants, soldiers and higher-education employees, then the same provisions essentially apply, even though there are some differences as regards the details.
Problems often arise in connection with employee inventions, particularly surrounding the question as to whether the invention is a service invention or a free invention and which compensation is due to the employee. It is therefore highly recommendable under such circumstances to contact a patent lawyer or a lawyer with expertise in the area of employee inventions.
It is not only during these negotiations and legal disputes that we advise and support you. We can also assist you to make sure your contract of employment is correctly worded under IP issues so that potential problems can be pre-empted.